
FullStack Web Development

Social Hacker Academy


  • Completed a rigorous seven-month coding bootcamp focused on full-stack web development.

  • Acquired comprehensive knowledge of web development technologies and practices.

  • Developed a deep understanding of front-end and back-end programming concepts.

  • You can view my full portfolio of projects on my GitHub account: ssantacruzpe

    HTML | CSS | SaaS | Bootstrap | Javascript | React

    Node.js | NPM | ExpressJS | CRUD Operations | Web API | Postman | MongoDB | Mongoose

    Git | GitHub

Nordic Leadership and Sustainability

Henly Business School


  • Dedicated 42 hours to intensive training covering key topics:

    • Personal growth and self-awareness

    • Nordic leadership and its organizational influence

    • Circular economy concepts in the EU and Nordic context

    • Value chain analysis, including emissions assessment

    • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting

    • Challenges and opportunities in a green economy


  • Cumulative GPA: 9.03/10.00

  • Scholarship Recipient: Awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Organization of American States (OAS) in recognition of academic excellence.

  • Final Project: Designed a comprehensive business plan for a unique coffee shop concept that provides rejuvenating spaces for relaxation and energy replenishment.

La Rioja International University

Bachelor in Business Administration

  • Cumulative GPA: 16.56/20

  • Honors: Ranked in the top 10% of a class of 1200 students, reflecting exceptional academic performance.

  • Specialization: Focused studies on Marketing, gaining in-depth knowledge of marketing strategies and consumer behavior.

  • Actively participated in various volunteering activities, including tree planting and support for youth leadership events, demonstrating a commitment to community and personal growth.

  • Final Project: Concluded my academic journey by developing a unique business concept specializing in the production of fish fillets with quinoa breeding. This innovative venture aimed to provide a high-protein, healthy snack using Peruvian products, showcasing both entrepreneurial and sustainability interests

San Ignacio de Loyola University